This is good.
I like how the game disincentivises jamming the ball up at the top of the level by having the stars get stuck up there. The floor giving away underneath you is a cool idea too.
This is good.
I like how the game disincentivises jamming the ball up at the top of the level by having the stars get stuck up there. The floor giving away underneath you is a cool idea too.
Thanks! It also requires you to weigh up whether to collect a multiball because whilst you get a score multiplier its a lot harder to keep the balls from destroying the floor.
That was really cool, good job everyone!
I got to level 14, I think.
This game was pretty cool, had some good ideas in it but I did feel they could have been introduced a little more quickly. Introducing people to them is a good idea, but maybe a little too gently here.
I liked the music in this quite a lot, it helped give the game a sense of place, even though the sprites are really low-rez. Nice and soothing too, good puzzle game music.
Good job!
Really enjoyed this, great job!
(apologies if i just didn't get far enough to see that I'm wrong, got stuck on level 16)
I think it was probably a mistake to make the characters rotation effect the direction it falls in, even if really the physics of it do make sense. At least, it's a mistake with these particular levels, because they never really show off or teach you how that mechanic works, you never show me anything interesting that happens because of it, instead it appears to be there just to cause frustration in a traditional platformers levels. Slippery controls didn't help either.
I quite liked it on the whole, was a good attempt with some nice touches.
Not sure if you'll find this advice useful or not, but I hope it helped!
Enjoying the game, probably going to vote on Greenlight when I'm done playing.
Some of these sound effects sound awfully familiar though ;-)
Just two brothers making Indie Games!
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Joined on 2/26/12